Rain Gutters | Gutter Installation | Gutter Replacement
The purpose of guttering systems is to collect rain water from the roofing area and disperse the water away from your home. Rain gutters come in many different gutter materials, including steel, aluminum, vinyl and copper. Many types of gutters (steel and vinyl in particular) are sold in 10-foot lengths and require dozens of seams fastened with slip fittings, each one is a weak spot and a potential leak site. Another alternative well worth considering is the installation of seamless aluminum gutters, which must be fabricated on-site by a professional contractor. Continuous Rain Guttering (also known as seamless guttering) is nationally recognized as the most popular form of guttering. Seventy-five percent of all guttering installed throughout the nation is continuous. Its popularity is easily understood because, seamless gutters eliminate unsightly seams, reduces the possibility of leaks, protects the beauty of your home and landscaping and there are many colors to choose from. Contact us today if you are looking for a new guttering system.